Sunday, March 13, 2011


USA IN BAD ECONOMIC SHAPE: Congress must resolve budget

For the last two weeks the United States of America's federal government has been working with a short term budget that will end March 18 and President Obama is upset as the House and Senate grapple with the time limited budget compromise to fund the government through September 30.

Both parties are blaming each other and if a compromise is not in the works the United States government is not going to be able to provide services that are needed throughout the county. Government jobs are going to be cut and that will leave families and government workers in limbo.

The gridlock comes as the Republican controlled House has come up with 4 billion in spending cuts. The Democrat run Senate is fighting over how much to cut. Its obvious people are going to lose out on a lot of money. Promises are going to be broken and probably dream plans are going to be put on the shelf if nobody gets their way on Capitol Hill.

The most recent government shutdown came in 1995 when the Republican controlled Congress would not come to terms with President Clintons' veto on spending for public health, education, Medicare and the environment.

Not putting forth a plan is only adding to our national debt and any recovery from a $1.2 trillion dollar deficit.

It's been known that Obama had inherited a national debt that is in the trillions and that his stimulus package also added to the debt but it was a good call in light of all the government bailouts that have passed with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the automobile industry. At least the government gave a little piece of the pie to those that actually filled out the paper work for a meager $500 to $3,000 dollars and home or vehicle credits from Obama's Stimulus Package worth $787 billion.

If a resolution is not set for the government’s budget we are going to see some massive shutdowns of national parks, postal service, national museums and much more that will hurt the citizens of America.

It’s time to get mad folks; it’s time to come away from the TV and really get involved with what is going on. Letters must be sent, visits to local senators and representatives offices must be made so a positive outcome will be realized. Congress needs to make a decision on the government's budget. I don’t want to find out I just traveled so far to see what’s in the Smithsonian Museum or trek along the grand canyon only to find them closed to the public. Now that’s not right, that’s just not right. Hurry up congress before your constituents hurry up and vote you out.


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