Sunday, September 4, 2011


The importance for journalists to utilize mobile technology

By Raul Garcia Jr.
Mobile technology is an excellent tool to report the facts and stories to the masses on the worldwide web.  Journalists utilize this new technology now to inform readers on the Internet about events that are taking place as they occur. Most phones that are being used for this because all of them have camera and video recording ability to put people up-close and personal with events that are affecting them. The phones for the most part connected to a 3G or 4G network, which in some case journalist have the ability to stream live footage of a newsworthy event onto the Internet. The mobile devices can record sound, capture images, upload sensitive information to the worldwide web, and they have editing capabilities to offer a well-packaged story instead of raw footage of video, sound and text. 

This technology gives journalists the ability to transmit news that is affecting communities. Journalists that knows their way around the mobile device and have a handle of taking photos, doing interviews, and uploading to the web with the device can offer so much more than then what competing news organization can offer by not uploading live coverage of  an important event. Most journalists’ phones are connected to Facebook and Twitter and each user has more than fifty connections and when they upload information it becomes shared in the social network and the masses.

Sometimes journalists are on the job and their professional equipment fails while on the scene. A mobile phone can become the primary tool for gathering facts. Other times a journalist can not get back to the newsroom so it is important to be able to send information and news through the phone for readers and the masses. If equipment is broken, confiscated, stolen, runs out of battery or lost mobile technology becomes the last line for reporters to get the facts.

Phone are so small they can fit in a reporter’s pocket and it has become yet another tool that can be used to brave and stare down corruption and for investigative reports.  The use of mobile phones also helps in making the news source more comfortable.  They are not as big and people become less freighted of the camera.  A lot of phones have high quality features that can be used for world-class journalism. And what journalists are doing is actually making stories better by using their mobile device.


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